Using Anti-counterfeit AI To Prevent Document Falsification

AI document protection

As the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) advances, we are beginning to see it being used in diverse fields of application, and one of such is the document verification industry. This is especially important given the rise in falsified documents and digital manipulation of images across the globe. According to a 2020 Javelin report, US businesses suffered losses amounting to about $17 billion because of document falsifications. Document falsification can occur at various levels; Take for instance, a criminal disguising as a bank employee can aid money laundering and terrorist exercises by falsifying and manipulating a few bank documents.

Recent advancements in deep learning have allowed software applications to now classify an image with high accuracy as real or fake. For example, a number of companies employ anti-counterfeit AI to identify forged invoices by scanning them through an OCR system that reads text from paper documents, then cross-references it with their own database of authentic invoices. This process can also be applied to photographs which are scanned using object recognition algorithms that detect anomalies like occlusions and mismatched backgrounds.

The Persistent Problem of Falsified Documents

Since the advent of computers, people have used technology to create fake documents. Anti-counterfeit technologies have however been catching up with these nefarious acts. The digital era has made it easier than ever to fabricate a document that could easily be passed off as legit, and this is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) enters the picture to help with mitigation. AI can be used to analyze documents and determine whether they are authentic or not. The idea behind this is fairly simple: if you are trying to make something look like it was created on a computer in 1993, a counter AI should be able to detect that with ease. It is important for everyone who creates any type of document – from birth certificates all the way to doctoral dissertations to keep their works safe from falsification.

It is essential for officials issuing documents—from passports, birth, death, and marriage certificates to doctoral dissertations—to keep their designs safe from falsification. These documents are created with security features that have been used for hundreds of years.  Almost all of the security printing features today require knowledge of the genuine techniques used and/or a device to authenticate. An-counterfeit Al simplifies this process by instantly analyzing the item for correctness.  

Falsified documents are used to gain access to restricted areas or obtain confidential information, which could range from bank accounts and client records to intelligence about military operations.  An example of falsified documents would be the production of fake identification cards or passports that are used to enter restricted places.

Additionally, digital manipulation is becoming more widespread as AI-generated images are now indistinguishable from real ones; the use of Photoshop and other tools can make it difficult for even trained experts to distinguish between authentic and manipulated photographs.

The Current State of Documentation Authentication Process

Organizations have many procedures to authenticate documents, preventing forgeries or fake ID cards from getting past security protocols. For example, bank employees are trained to spot photocopied checks, fake IDs are able to set off alarms, and forged letters will more likely show inconsistencies in formatting and fonts.

Organizations generally require staff to carry out rigorous training in order to be certified as an examiner of documents, and this only covers the identification of falsified documents within their own company’s procedures and policies (e.g., bank tellers). There are also centralized committees that issue internationally recognized certification of authenticity; however, this type of authentication is usually performed against another central database with known approved documents, rather than looking at specific details on each case.  

Anti-counterfeit AI vs Traditional Methods of Document Verification

The use of AI in the prevention of falsification is a great, cost-effective way to combat document tampering. It is also able to handle different types of manipulation, as such, it has the ability to adapt as new methods are introduced. AI is perfect for businesses looking for an inexpensive way to keep their documents protected against tampering or forging.  

Traditional methods or centralized databases can both be expensive and time-consuming; therefore, they do not scale well enough to meet today’s demand. Manual processes are impractical for larger operations, as they require large staff with the requisite and rigorous expertise to manually scan through every document.  

AI is especially effective in high-volume environments that require fast throughput; without AI, it is often impossible to process documents at optimal speed.  Artificial Intelligence works by drawing on its ability to recognize patterns within parameters set by humans who define what constitutes a valid or invalid result so that it can learn from samples of data with known outcomes. One solution would be using deep learning technology to improve systems for document verification that previously required human expertise. Deep learning learns by using labeled examples of authentic versus nonauthentic documents. The AI technology can autonomously identify documents with a 96% accuracy rate.

Without AI, it is often impossible to process documents at optimal speed

Limitations of AI for Document Verification

AI is very effective at processing high volumes of information quickly and accurately, but a hacker could use it to deceive or fool the system into incorrectly classifying a document as authentic when it is actually not. This would have serious consequences if used against a security system that was using this type of tool for document verification.

In light of the vulnerability of human operators and limitations of existing methods, advances in AI-powered detection technologies are extremely timely.

Cypheme’s Anti-counterfeit Technology for Preventing Document Falsification

Cypheme’s anti-counterfeit AI works by incorporating a tag on the document to prevent its counterfeiting. The tag is a unique identifier and Cypheme’s AI-based anti-counterfeit technology makes it impossible to replicate. A user trying to authenticate a document can take a photo of the identifier to tell whether the document is original or not.

Cypheme allows authentication over the client’s web app or Cypheme’s WeChat and Facebook accounts.

In addition to instantly verifying the authenticity of documents, Cypheme can detect fraud and open up new possibilities for the participating brands. The verifier is further furnished with relevant information about the document to help keep them adequately informed. Cypheme’s verification system can be further enabled to connect with automated systems such as biometry and secure doors to help with smart access via IDs and other similar documents.

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