Ace Grading – Taking Card Grading a Notch Higher with Anti-Counterfeit Technology

ace grading uses cypheme

Ace Grading is a leading card grading service company in the global card trading market. That being said, the first questions would be; How familiar are you with the trading card space? What do you know about card grading? Let us do a quick dive into these topics below.

What are Trading Cards?

For starters, trading cards represent different things for many different people. For kids, they are fragments of their your minds’ imagination. For collectors, they are potent pieces of that imaginative era of childhood, and for investors, they are a bear-like sized revenue generating scheme. Some of these card collectibles sell for millions of dollars at auctions, and the industry itself generates billions every year.

What is Card Grading

Card grading is a process of submitting a trading card to a third-party service provider. This service provider inspects the card for authenticity and ranks them on a 10-point scale for the condition. The company then goes on to seal the cards in a tamper-proof holder and assigns a catalogued serial number.

The Ace Grading Angle

Ace Grading sets itself apart from every other card grading companies in the sense that at the heart of their operations, is the realization that the card grading industry is consistently evolving, and thus their penchant to always have a pro-active approach with the application of technology in order to always be ahead of the game.

Ace Grading is of the firm belief that every graded card is a prized possession and as such should be treated with egg-shell-level care, while proudly showing it off like one would do with the most precious of metals at the same time. It is in light of this that the company provides custom designed plastic casing and labels that show the rarity and premium value of its graded trading cards, thus creating a repertoire of trading card “trophies” for collectors.

Ace Grading Launch Edition Cases backed by Cypheme Anti-Counterfeit Technology

Ace Grading recently released its Launch Edition cases, and is making them exclusively available to their original submitters. As an additional layer of authenticating the originality and value of the trading cards, Ace Grading is embossing the card cases with Cypheme’s Noise Print AI-based labels; these are the most efficient anti-counterfeit labels currently available globally.

The Noise Print labels being administered by Ace Grading are powered by leading French Artificial Intelligence (AI) Company, Cypheme. These labels are ingrained with special chemicals which give a unique fingerprint to each Ace Grading case they are affixed on, as such, it is practically impossible to duplicate or copy without it being detected by Cypheme’s AI when an authentication check is conducted.

Checking the authenticity of a trading card is as simple as just taking a picture of the Noise Print sticker with the camera of your smartphone, and Cypheme’s AI would give you feedback in less than 5 seconds to confirm (or not) the authenticity of the trading card you are holding. Ace Grading has taken this step to layer protect its graded cards with robust AI technology because of the core belief that precious things need to be protected to ensure that collectors are bequeathed with the real redeemable value of their collectibles.

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